Becoming an allied health professional support worker
If you are looking for a career that combines a challenge, an excellent employment package and the reward of doing something really worthwhile, the allied health professions (AHP) offer a wide range of opportunities.
This section of our website explains how to prepare yourself so that you can apply for a job as an AHP support worker.
Work in different settings
AHPs provide treatment and help rehabilitate adults and children who are ill, have disabilities or special needs, to live life as fully as possible. They work across a wide range of different settings including the community, people’s homes and schools, as well as hospitals.
Working with others
Support workers, senior support workers, assistants and assistant practitioners work in, with and alongside the allied health professions (AHPs), providing high quality, life changing care across a range of acute and community services.
Work as part of a team
Support worker roles may work with one of the professions for example a radiography assistant or a theatre support worker. The roles may also work with more than one profession in a multi-disciplinary team, for example a therapy assistant.
Functional skills
Functional skills in English and Mathematics are an underpinning requirement of formal qualifications as well as safe and effective care.
Find out more about the Multiply Programme which offers free numeracy courses that can help you brush up your maths skills.
Digital skills
AHP support workers need to be digitally confident and competent, including understanding the potential of digital to improve care.
It is important to know how to effectively access, manage and share information, as well your ongoing learning and development.
Care Certificate
The Care Certificate helps you to develop your skills, knowledge, and behaviours enabling you to provide compassionate, safe, and high-quality care.
Find out more about the Care Certificate and the skills it can equip you with to become an AHP Support Worker.
T Levels
T Levels provide an alternative to A-levels, BTECs, or an apprenticeship.
The ‘T’ stands for ‘Technical’, which means these courses provide specialist skills and knowledge for an occupation or career.
Find out more about T Levels and the 45-day work placement that has been designed in conjunction with employers.
Case studies
Read case studies about people from across Greater Manchester who have become Allied Health Professional Support Workers.